6 Proven resistance-busters to get stuff done
We all know the advice to set a recurring appointment with ourselves to plan our week. They say for every hour you spend planning you save yourself 5 hours in implementation. 5 hours! It’s a no-brainer, really. I know that when I plan my week everything goes so much smoother.
And yet… and yet… sometimes I just don’t wanna!
How do you overcome the “I just don’t wanna!” feeling? Over the years I’ve come up with a bunch of handy little tricks to help overcome that resistance and get my butt in my chair to get my work done… and even make it fun.
Today I’m excited to share this guide with you so you can quickly find the right antidote for the type of resistance you're facing today. I’ve even created a free resource you can print to keep on your desk for inspiration. These are all things I do on a regular basis to get my work done.
And guess what? They don’t just work for weekly planning time, but for any time you’re having a hard time getting going on your work, whatever work that might be! They’re all guaranteed resistance-busters!
Resistance #1: I just don’t wanna! (insert toddler tantrum here)
Antidote: Use the 5 second rule.
As soon as you feel this, quickly count down from 5-4-3-2-1 - blast off! You’re in your chair working. It sounds so simple but it really works!
This tip is courtesy of Mel Robbins, who had a great Ted talk that she later turned into a book called “The 5 Second Rule,” which I’d highly recommend!
Resistance #2: I’m so exhausted/overwhelmed, I just can’t ask myself to do one more thing.
Antidote: Turn it into self-care.
You’re right - you HAVE been asking an awful lot of yourself lately, and your essential self may be feeling a bit neglected. Turn your work session into an act of self care. Light a scented candle, the one you’ve been saving for a special occasion. Put on comfy clothes, make some yummy tea, perhaps a cookie. Clean your desk and arrange some beautiful flowers beside your computer to give you a little burst of joy every time you see them. Turn on some lovely music, and make it feel like you’re showing up at the spa… you feel that nurtured. Now you’re not dragging yourself to work, you’re showing up to a special event!
Resistance #3: I don’t want to start because I feel like my work is never ending.
Antidote: Set a timer and focus on FINISHED.
I don't know about you, but when it comes to planning I feel like I can just keep going and going and it never feels finished. This can lead to endless planning sessions where I feel like I am never done.
Instead, it’s crucial to think “What does DONE look like?” Make it specific. “When I am done my deadlines will be on the calendar for next week.” Now, focus on the end result, set a timer and just get that done. When you are done, let yourself stop.
You’re going to think of a lot of other things that you need to do. Go ahead and make a list, but you're not going to do them now. Now you are DONE, and you’re going to keep faith with yourself that when you show up for planning time you’re not going to hold yourself prisoner. When you abide by that, you’ll be more eager to show up for it next time.
Resistance #4: Planning time is soooooo boring! (insert tantruming toddler, part II)
Antidote: Make it a game
Anyone who’s taken care of a small child knows the best way to get them to do anything is to make it a game. Well, guess what? We all still have that little kid inside of us, and we still want things to be fun. If you feel like a little kid stomping your feet because it’s just so boooring, try making it a game.
Beat the clock! Add a zing of energy with a timer. Break the job down into easy little baby steps and write time estimates beside each step (like 2-3 minute steps that are so simple a chimp could do them). Then grab a timer and try to beat the clock. You’ll get a little burst of energy each time you check something off the list and feel like you’re winning!
Resistance #5: I have a hard time doing things when it’s just up to me.
Antidote: Get an accountability buddy.
It’s really common to have trouble showing up for things when there’s no one else holding you accountable. In her amazing book “The 4 Tendencies” Gretchin Rubin goes over this problem in detail, and helps you type yourself according to how you get things done. She calls those who respond readily to outward expectations but have a hard time meeting inner expectations “Obligers.”
If this sounds familiar, you’re in good company. Obligers are the biggest segment of the population (I’m one too!) and there are definitely some things you can do to work around this. The biggest thing is to find a way to create some outer accountability, like using the buddy system.
Find a friend who is also trying to keep up with their planning habit and set a weekly zoom date where you’re both going to show up to do your work. Check in, turn off your camera/microphone and get to work, and then check back in at the end of the hour to celebrate everything you got done. Knowing your accountability buddy is counting on you is a powerful tool to help you show up and get the work done.
By the way, I believe so strongly in accountability that I created a weekly co-working session called “Power Hour” that's included in my Design Roadmap Course. I know for many of us, we’re never going to show up to do the work unless we have buddies holding us accountable!
Resistance #6: Why do this anyway? Ugh, I’m so unmotivated!
Antidote: Envision the end result.
Close your eyes and imagine your planning session is done. Set the scene and really feel the feeling of having it done. You’re drinking that Friday happy hour margarita and you feel so accomplished. It’s Sunday night and you’re not dreading Monday morning like usual - no, this time you’re eagerly anticipating your week because you know exactly what’s going on.
Let those good feelings settle into your body. Smile… feel it now. I guarantee when you open your eyes you’re going to feel so motivated… like you placed a magnet on the end result and it’s pulling you toward it effortlessly.
So there you have it, 6 proven resistance-busters to pull out the next time you’re suffering from “I just don’t wanna!” syndrome! Have fun and feel free to mix, match and combine them until you find a fit that is just right for you.
Download the attached quick start guide to help you the next time you need a little motivation. There’s a print-out you can keep on your desk, and even a cube template you can cut out and assemble. If you’re having trouble deciding what to do, “roll the die” and see what comes up to motivate you. It’ll be sure to banish the resistance and move you into getting things done in no time!
Schedule a FREE discovery call to see if the Design Roadmap system or 1:1 coaching are for you!
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