Feel Like You're Never Getting Enough Done? 5 Easy Steps to Fix It!

May 28, 2024

As an interior designer, do you ever feel like you're perpetually behind? No matter how much you accomplish, there's always more to do, and the stress and overwhelm never seem to end! The truth is, the issue isn't that you need to get more done. Instead, you need a design roadmap to guide you, show you that you've done enough, and let you know when it's time to stop. The Design Roadmap System is a solution that can break your overwhelming projects into easy, weekly goals, allowing you to show up to work with a clear plan and leave knowing exactly what you need to do to stay on track. Most importantly, it gives you an "off" button. Here's how you can implement this system in five easy steps:

Step 1: Determine Your Destination and Origin

Just like planning a road trip, the first step in creating a Design Roadmap is to determine your starting point and destination. For a design project, the client's goal for a finished project is the destination, while their current state is the origin. For example, if you're working on a kitchen remodel, the destination is the beautifully remodeled kitchen, and the origin is the outdated one.

Understanding where you are and where you want to go sets the stage for the entire roadmap. It provides clarity on what needs to be done and helps break down the project into manageable tasks. By starting with a clear vision of the end goal, you can reverse-engineer the steps needed to get there​ ​.

Step 2: Break Down the Total Distance

In a road trip, the total distance is the miles you need to cover. In a design project, it's the complete list of tasks required to go from the origin to the destination. Write down every single task that needs to be completed. This might seem overwhelming at first, but it's crucial to have a comprehensive to-do list.

Next, estimate how long each task will take. This gives you a clear picture of the total workload and helps you allocate time effectively. It's important to remember that you won't be doing all of this at once. Just as you wouldn't drive 2,895 miles in one day, you won't complete your entire project in one go. Breaking it down makes it manageable​ ​.

Step 3: Plan Your Stops - Set Milestones

This is where the magic happens. Just like planning overnight stops on a road trip, you need to set milestones for your project. These are natural stopping points that mark significant progress, such as design presentations, client meetings, or deliverables. By breaking the project into smaller chunks, you make the overall process less daunting.

For example, if your project involves a kitchen remodel, your milestones might include completing the initial design, finalizing material selections, and preparing construction documents. Each milestone should have a specific timeline and deliverables. This step-by-step approach keeps the project moving forward and allows you to celebrate progress along the way​ .

Step 4: Implement a Master Calendar

The Master Calendar is a powerful tool that brings all your project roadmaps together in one place. It provides a top-down view of all your projects, helping you plan your work realistically and ensure you have the time to get everything done. This calendar should include your milestones, weekly goals, and any important meetings or deadlines.

By using a Master Calendar, you can see how all your projects fit together and make strategic adjustments as needed. It helps you avoid overcommitting and ensures you can maintain a healthy work-life balance. With everything planned out, you can show up each week knowing exactly what needs to be done, reducing stress and increasing productivity​ ​​ ​.

Step 5: Follow the Plan and Know When to Stop

The final step is to follow your Design Roadmap and know when to stop. Each week, you'll have a clear list of tasks that need to be completed to stay on track. This removes the guesswork and allows you to focus your energy on the creative aspects of your work rather than constantly figuring out what to do next.

Perhaps most importantly, the Design Roadmap System gives you permission to stop working when you've completed your tasks for the week. This is a game-changer. Instead of feeling like you need to work around the clock, you can enjoy your downtime knowing that you have a plan in place to get everything done. This balance is crucial for maintaining your passion and creativity in your work​ ​​ ​.

The Benefits of the Design Roadmap System

  1. Reduced Stress and Overwhelm: By having a clear plan, you eliminate the constant stress of not knowing what to do next. You can focus on the tasks at hand and feel confident that you're on track.

  2. Increased Productivity: With a Design Roadmap, you can show up each week knowing exactly what needs to be done. This focus leads to higher productivity and ensures that all aspects of the project are moving forward.

  3. Better Client Communication: When clients understand the roadmap and know what to expect, there are fewer last-minute requests and interruptions. This leads to smoother projects and happier clients​ ​​ ​.

  4. Work-Life Balance: The Design Roadmap allows you to plan your work around your life, not the other way around. You can decide how many hours you want to work each week and ensure that you have time for rest and relaxation​ ​.

  5. Enhanced Creativity: By removing the mental load of planning and to-do lists, you free up brain space for creative work. This allows you to bring your best ideas and designs to life, improving the quality of your work​ ​.


The Design Roadmap System is a revolutionary way to manage your design projects. By breaking down overwhelming projects into manageable weekly goals, it allows you to stay on track, reduce stress, and enjoy a better work-life balance. Most importantly, it gives you a clear stopping point so you can feel good about what you've accomplished and truly enjoy your time off. Implementing this system can transform your business and your life, allowing you to focus on what you love most - creating beautiful designs.

What to learn more about how I can help you let go of stress by using this powerful system?  Click HERE to schedule a free discovery call! 

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